We are a member of:
- Cologne Chamber of Tax Advisors (
- fnv – Forum für Nachfolge- und Vermögensplanung e.V. (
- International Fiscal Association – IFA, German Branch (
- Münsteraner Gesprächskreis Rechnungslegung und Prüfung - MgK e. V. (
- Association of Tax Advisors, Cologne,
(, member of the German Tax Advisor Association ( - Deutsche Vereinigung für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge e. V. (DVEV)
( - Handelskammer Deutschland-Schweiz
( - LEA Global - The Leading Edge Alliance
LEA Global is the second-largest international association in the world. It is made up of more than 200 independently owned accounting and advisory firms operating more than 617 offices in over 100 countries, enabling member firms to access the resources of a global professional services organization. Our firms operate with combined annual revenue of more than $3 billion.
The combined strength of our member accounting and advisory firms creates a global powerhouse of professional service organizations. Members can leverage the alliance for all their accounting and advisory needs, ranging from simple audit assistance to advice on complex global acquisitions. Our wide range of expertise crosses many services and industries. The alliance provides members with the size and scope of a large multinational company while offering clients the continuity, consistency and quality services of a local firm.
Unlike Big 4 firms, LEA Global firms identify closely with their clients because they, too, are business owners seeking to grow their companies. They create innovative solutions to their clients’ challenges and proactively counsel them on opportunities. Wherever you are, LEA Global is ready to help with your growth and success.
The LEA Global offers:- Access to extensive teams of CPAs and business advisers with a peer-to-peer connection that provides the right solutions for clients
- Strong, productive relationships that grow through hundreds of individuals and associated sponsored opportunities, around the corner and around the world.
- Innovative, practice-proven strategies for improving performance in management, business processes, finance, operations, information technology and marketing
- A leading knowledge resource for multidisciplinary information and industry-specific expertise responsive to clients’ unique needs
- Accounting, tax and consulting services through a global alliance of firms
- World-class business advisory expertise and experience with driving innovation, progressiveness and quality
- Empowered people, reduced bureaucracy, affordable fees and exceeded expectations
To find out more about the alliance, contact
- Pride Partners International™
is a global association of transfer pricing and financial valuation consulting firms with a presence in major cities and entrepreneurial markets around the world.
Cooperation partners:
- Avanta Zurich AG
Badenerstrasse 530
CH-8048 Zürich
( - BKL Fischer Kühne + Partner
Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater mbB
Bonn – Hamburg – München – Pforzheim
Rheinwerkallee 6
D-53227 Bonn
( - Cafral GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Deutsch-Französische Prüfung & Beratung
Murgring 23a
76307 Karlsbad
( - Ditare et Donare
Stiftungs- und Nachfolgeberatung
Jägerhofstraße 31
40479 Düsseldorf